Coffee and Contemplation: Beloved by Toni Morrison

The first book I’m looking at in my studies of supernatural storytelling is “Beloved” by Toni Morrison. Published in 1987, it won the “Pulitzer Prize for Fiction” in 1988. The genre is American Literature. This is not a horror novel; however, something supernatural takes place in the story. The story is about a family of former slaves living in Cincinnati after the American Civil War. Their home is haunted by a malevolent spirit. Part of the story was based on a true-life incident that happened in 1856 involving an escaped slave from Kentucky, Margaret Garner.

The spirit in their home is a character in the story. The spirit doesn’t kill anyone but does cause problems for the family. Overall, the novel is not that scary. It’s not supposed to be. There is one scene that was difficult to read. This was the scene that depicted the real-life events of Margaret Garner killing one of her children to prevent them from growing up as a slave. The scene is important because the family believes the spirit in the house is the child that was killed. This is not a novel for children because of the adult content.

I recommend this book to everyone. If you haven’t read anything by Toni Morrison, you should. 

Spooky Spider Scale (How scary was the book?): 1/10 spiders – 🕷️

Overall rating: 5 stars ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Snapshot Saturday: Butterfly Two

We’re taking another step away from stories and poetry and words in general to enjoy something visual. A little photography to break up the boring words of this blog. And, of course, along with that photography is a lot fo words. You can’t escape the words! Anyway, here’s your weekly dose of my amateur photography skills. If you want to see more, check out the Photography Page. If you’ve been keeping track of all the photos I’ve posted for Snapshot Saturday, which is your favorite so far?

Butterfly 2. May 2019. f/5.6. 1/250. 55mm.

This is the second of two snapshots of a butterfly I took in Fairbanks, AK. It was chilling in a bush, minding it’s business. I took advantage of it’s lack of mobility and took a couple photos. I had not yet purchased another lens for my Canon Rebel T7i camera, so I had to use the standard 18mm-55mm lens my camera came with at purchase. The other butterfly photo will be featured next week. And yes, the butterfly is judging us all in this photo.

Flashback Friday Poetry: Home is Your Creation

home is where the Heart is everyone knows
it’s the place you visit to regain Peace
but when you’ve lost your Heart, where do you go
running blindly through the Darkness so deep
the faster you run, the harder to Grow
They devour your Mind, yes every piece
the faster you Run the harder to grow
running Blindly through the darkness so deep
but when you’ve Lost your heart where do you go
it’s the Place you visit to regain peace
Home is where the heart is everyone Knows

Early poetry from James.