What’s New Wednesday: July 27

The newest thing happening is my Spooky Poker Playing Cards. The Spooky Suits Poker Deck is different from the standard poker deck. The suits and the face cards are different. Instead of Spades, Hearts, Clubs, and Diamonds, the suits are Spiders, Skulls, Pumpkins, and Ghosts respectively. 

All cards have the same functions as their traditional counterparts. The page has more details and a little video for your enjoyment. The Kickstarter Campaign begins on August 30th, and you can visit the Kickstarter Page and follow the campaign to get notified when the campaign launches. I’m looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks about the cards. All the suits and face cards were designed by me.

Here’s one picture to give you a little peak. Visit the Project Page for more pics. More update coming next week.

What’s New Wednesday: July 6

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here. Sorry for that. I have been keeping up on other channels and posting some cool things. There’s a lot going on. If you didn’t notice already, I published a new collection of poetry yesterday. You can learn more about it and find purchase links here, Corbin’s Catacombs. It’s a very short poetry collection, but it’s already getting some amazing reviews. Tell me what you think.

This weekend I have an exhibitor table at Mad Monster Party Arizona in Glendale, AZ. This is my second year running a table and I’m looking forward to it. If you’re in that area or are attending the convention, stop by and say hello. I’ll have copies of my new poetry collection along with lots of other cool stuff for sale. Some things you can only find if you see me in person. You can’t buy them anywhere else.

I have also started a new political blog. I never thought I’d work so hard on government and social things, but I’ve caught the bug. If you want to read about those kinds of things, you can check out The Proper Deal Blog and tell me what you think. This is a left leaning blog, so if you’re not interested in that, just stop following my posts. Thanks! I hope to help illicit some real change through my own writing.

I hope you’re all doing well too. It’s a crazy time to be alive, but I’m looking forward to all of it.