What’s New Wednesday: June

You may have noticed I’m posting less on here. After posting one or two posts every day for over a year, I’ve decided to take a step back and focus on other things for a while. I’ll still try to post once a month. I will post an update or two while I’m at the Mad Monster Party Horror Convention next month. After I finish with the convention, I want to focus on finishing the first draft of my novel by the end of this year. I can easily finish sooner but I’m lazy and procrastinate a lot. 

I also want to find new conventions to attend that don’t require a lot of travel on my part, so I can go to all the places. I’m writing more spooky poetry and once I have a surplus, I’ll start sharing things again. I plan to focus all my writing efforts on all my works in progress (which are all horror stories) and spooky poetry. That should keep me busy and satisfied. At some point I plan to continue some of my regular postings such as the book reviews and sharing my photography, but not for a while. I need a break. See you all next month.