What’s New Wednesday: October

It’s been a while since I’ve posted any updates. I had a great time at YumaCon a couple weeks ago. I sold more books there than at any other convention. My bookmarks also sold very well. I still have two more conventions before the year is over. Later this month, I’ll be part of the vendor section of the Tucson TerrorFest. They tried this vendor convention part of the TerrorFest in 2019 and it was successful so they’re bringing it back. You can learn more details on their website about the film festival and the vendors. It’s happening on Oct 23 and 24 here in Tucson, AZ.

Also happening in Tucson, the TusCon Sci-Fi, Fantasy & Horror Convention is doing it’s 48th year. That’s a long time. I will have a table at that convention as well. I’ll be selling bookmarks and copies of my short horror stories collection The Morbid Museum. I’ll have a couple other items as well. Come by and say hi. I hope to have my first full length novel finished by the middle of next year so I can have it for sale at all the conventions next year. Of course, if you’re unable to make it to either of these events, you can always purchase my works online. I hope you’re all doing well and I hope to see some of you at the next convention.