Yuletide Aviary: A Short Story for Flashback Friday

Here’s a story I published a few years ago for the holidays. This story is also available in the free e-Book Weird Vivaria, which you’ll receive when you sign up for my email newsletter. Sign-up Here!

This is honestly my favorite story I’ve ever written. It’s about a bluejay and cardinal who work at the North Pole and they’re having a few drinks after finishing their work on Christmas Eve. Despite how the story sounds, it is Not family friendly. That doesn’t mean it’s bad for kids, but parents should read through it first and decide for themselves if it’s okay for their children.

I hope you enjoy it. And if you’ve read it before, I hope you enjoy it again. Here it is in five parts from the original posts when it was first published as a serial on my blog. If you want the full story, and a couple others, sign up for the newsletter.

Let me know in the comments what you think. Is this a story you’d like to see continued? I have no plans to continue the story, but maybe I’ll change my mind someday. Happy reading!