It’s Kickstarter Launch Day

The time is here for the Spooky Poker Playing Cards Kickstarter campaign. That’s a mouthful. This campaign only runs for thirty (30) days which means you will have until September 28 to make a pledge. I’ll send out another reminder a couple days before it ends. You can get more information about the cards and see more photos at the Spooky Poker Playing Cards Page. Or you can click the link below to go directly to the Kickstarter Page. 

In other news, this weekend I’ll have a vendor table at the Tucson Comic-Con being held at the Tucson Convention Center. If you live in Arizona, I recommend you attend to see all the cool stuff. Most of it won’t be horror related but you can still find a few hidden gems if you look. I have a few other conventions in the works for the remainder of the year. I’m still awaiting details on some of them, but once I know something I’ll pass that information along. Thank you all for supporting me so far and I hope some of you can make a pledge to the Kickstarter. Stay spooky!