Coffee and Contemplation: Halloween Remembrance Day

This is a thing I made up. Instead of celebrating Valentine’s Day, I celebrate Halloween again. Both holidays involve candy so it kind of works. The idea came about a couple years ago. I knew several people who, even if they had partners, they hated Valentine’s Day and everything about it. They also all enjoyed Halloween over every other holiday. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Will it catch on and become a big thing? I don’t know. That’s not my goal. The main purpose is to give people something else to celebrate that maybe doesn’t make them feel awful for not have a romantic partner.

It’s rumored that more breakups occur on February 14th than any other day of the year with New Year’s Eve being a close second. I don’t know if there are any real statistics for this. I’ve never bothered to research. Some Latin American countries know the day as Día del Amor y la Amistad (the day of love and friendship). It’s isn’t just about lovers but showing gratitude towards friends as well. So why now show your love for your favorite holiday with your friends and celebrate Halloween Remembrance Day? Dress up or don’t. Eat candy or don’t. Have a feast with friends. Or watch horror movies with a Valentine’s theme. There are many fun, creative ways to celebrate Halloween Remembrance Day. Enjoy!

Black Chaos is Coming

Official Announcement Time: My next collection of poetry is coming April 13th. The cover reveal is below. This collection will feature 30 new poems. That’s all. It’s a short collection compared to my many others. I took the advice from a reviewer and didn’t put so many poems in this time. There are a couple poems that might feel out of place, but it relates to several months of growth I experienced. You can pre-order the eBook on B&N Nook and Amazon Kindle. The paperback will be available in April. It will be a small paperback. I also plan to have some bookmarks available for sale to go along with the release of the book.

So, what’s this collection about? Here’s the online description: “Depression is black chaos. A chaos that destroys the soul and pushes friends and family away. This collection features poetry about loss and solitude. It’s a journey of rediscovering and learning to love one’s self. A journey of hitting rock bottom and climbing out of the deep pit of despair.” Maybe that’s not your cup of tea, but writing these poems was the beginning of recovery for me. I will never stop fighting this battle. It will get easier with time. Anyway, once I decide on a design for the bookmarks, I’ll ask everyone’s opinion before printing them. Tell me what you think of the cover in the comments.

The Cover

Wacky Wednesday: February 10

Today is a bit lack luster in the wackiness department, but it’s still fun. We continue with our old English insults and I think these two words will find more uses in today’s society. The first is Snoutband. This refers to someone who constantly interrupts a conversation, typically only to contradict or correct someone else. There are many snoutbands on the internet. Some of them are pre-teen gamers. Our next word is Sorner. This refers to someone who unappreciatively lives off other people. Sorning was the 16th century equivalent of mooching or sponging. There are many of those people in the world, too.

We begin the holidays section with our token food holiday, National Cream Cheese Brownie Day. The first documented recipe of a cream cheese brownie was published in 1906. Next is a holiday I know you’re all really excited about, National Home Warranty Day. Unlike homeowner’s insurance, home warranty covers repairs and replacement of appliances that break down from normal use. Do you have warranties for your appliances? Finally, today is also National Umbrella Day. The basic umbrella has been around for over four thousand years. Evidence of them has been found in art and artifacts from Egypt, Assyria, Greece, and China. Have you told your umbrella how much you appreciate the work they do?