Book Recommendations and an Interview

I don’t post updates to my blog much anymore and I hope to correct that in the coming year. I wanted to share some cool stuff I have going on, but the first thing I want to say is, the first draft of my novel is finished. I have already begun the editing process and I hope to have it ready and published no later than early March. More details will come your way as I move closer to publishing. I will have a page here on my site dedicated to the new book once all the things are ready to go. And now for the exciting stuff.

I recently learned about a new website called Shepherd. It is another site about books and things. They’ve only been around for a couple years, and they are still very small, but have a big heart. You should check them out just because, but also, you should check them out because I recently posted a book recommendation list to their site. What kind of books would I recommend? Well ones that are similar to my own writing of course. These are my recommendations for The Best Novels Where Real-Life Horror Meets the Supernatural.

This was a lot of fun to do and all I had to do was recommend books I’ve read. Too easy. The books I recommended are the ones on display in the top image of this post. If you want to know more about them, check out the list on Shepherd. They also have lots of other lists (they call them bookshelves) on their sits such as The Best Supernatural Books. Or you can find any other type of list (bookshelf) that suits your reading preferences. Keep an eye on Shepherd because I think they will get pretty big in the next few years.

To keep things more local, since I live in Tucson, AZ, I had the opportunity to get interviewed by Shoutout Arizona back in October. Want to know a little more about me? Check out the interview “Meet James Pack, Writer and Artist.” You can find out what inspires me and what some of my favorite local places are. It was awesome to be interviewed and I look forward to having many more experiences like these. I hope you enjoy and keep a look out for my next book that’s coming soon. Stay spooky and Merry Kramp-mas!

It’s Kickstarter Launch Day

The time is here for the Spooky Poker Playing Cards Kickstarter campaign. That’s a mouthful. This campaign only runs for thirty (30) days which means you will have until September 28 to make a pledge. I’ll send out another reminder a couple days before it ends. You can get more information about the cards and see more photos at the Spooky Poker Playing Cards Page. Or you can click the link below to go directly to the Kickstarter Page. 

In other news, this weekend I’ll have a vendor table at the Tucson Comic-Con being held at the Tucson Convention Center. If you live in Arizona, I recommend you attend to see all the cool stuff. Most of it won’t be horror related but you can still find a few hidden gems if you look. I have a few other conventions in the works for the remainder of the year. I’m still awaiting details on some of them, but once I know something I’ll pass that information along. Thank you all for supporting me so far and I hope some of you can make a pledge to the Kickstarter. Stay spooky!

What’s New Wednesday: July 27

The newest thing happening is my Spooky Poker Playing Cards. The Spooky Suits Poker Deck is different from the standard poker deck. The suits and the face cards are different. Instead of Spades, Hearts, Clubs, and Diamonds, the suits are Spiders, Skulls, Pumpkins, and Ghosts respectively. 

All cards have the same functions as their traditional counterparts. The page has more details and a little video for your enjoyment. The Kickstarter Campaign begins on August 30th, and you can visit the Kickstarter Page and follow the campaign to get notified when the campaign launches. I’m looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks about the cards. All the suits and face cards were designed by me.

Here’s one picture to give you a little peak. Visit the Project Page for more pics. More update coming next week.